Continuous Testing Orchestration

A new approach to security testing

Don't wait to test changes. Automatically turn product releases into live testing actions for rapid & continuous security testing.

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What does Continuous Testing Orchestration mean?

Traditional security testing sees delays of up to a year between changes being made and tests being completed. Which means vulnerabilities can be exposed for a potentially damaging amount of time before being found and fixed.

On top of this, traditional pentesting exercises can be fragmented, time consuming and disruptive to operations.

But what if you could test new releases when they’re made without disrupting your workflow?

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In fast-paced organisations where changes are quite rightly being applied on a regular basis, it is no longer acceptable to do an evidence based review or a code scan and then wait for the annual test to highlight an exploitable vulnerability.
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jamie whiteco jones
Former CISO
 Allianz UK
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In fast-paced organisations where changes are quite rightly being applied on a regular basis, it is no longer acceptable to do an evidence based review or a code scan and then wait for the annual test to highlight an exploitable vulnerability.
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jamie whiteco jones
Allianz Holdings

1.Turn Development Changes into Dynamic Testing Actions

The Cytix platform assesses change data as and when it’s made. It reports on how, when and where tests should take place.

Not every change requires the same level of attention. So Cytix automatically prioritises these testing actions for you.

But that’s only the first part of the process.

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2. Connect To The Tests, Services & People You Need

Now you’ve got a strategic list of tests to perform, Cytix connects you with the right tools and services to fulfil them.

Whether the tests are automatic or manual, full testing orchestration is managed from within one central platform.

Remove manual processes and external systems to streamline cross-team communication, improve Mean Time to Detection (MTTD) and create happier teams.

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Together, these three elements create continuous testing orchestration.

3.Complete Vulnerability Visibility

The final element ensures full visibility across your vulnerability management programme.

It’s super simple to connect exposed vulnerabilities back to the development team.

And when fixes are complete, Cytix’s closed loop system means they’re re-entered back into the platform so you can be confident of their success.

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2. Connect To The Tests, Services & People You Need

Now you’ve got a strategic list of tests to perform, Cytix handles the rest. Whether the tests are automatic or manual, full testing orchestration is managed from within one central platform.

Cytix integrates with your existing tools and offers a selection from within the Cytix marketplace.

Remove manual processes and external systems to streamline cross-team communication, improve Mean Time to Detection (MTTD) and create happier teams.

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Together, these three elements create continuous testing orchestration.
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When do you need Continuous Testing Orchestration?

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Does your current testing programme keep up with your cadence of change?

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Do you have confidence that your security testing programme is specific to your company's needs?

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Are you able to action all vulnerabilities when they’re identified?

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Is your testing process optimised by automation?

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Do you have full visibility over the testing of changes going live?

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Are you prioritising your testing schedule based on risk level?

If your answer is no to any of these questions, Cytix will benefit your security testing programme.

What are the benefits of Continuous Testing Orchestration?

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Eliminate delays & blindspots in your testing programme & improve MTTD
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Reduce manual overhead and free up valuable resources
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Improve cross-team communication between testing and development
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Make it easier to fix vulnerabilities by finding them at the time they are made
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Streamline the tools and systems needed in your security testing programme
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Highlight systemic areas to improve in your vulnerability programme
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Who is Continuous Testing Orchestration for?

Cytix gives CISOs complete oversight on the performance of their security testing programme.

A clear view of Mean Time to Detection (MTTD) makes it simple to make informed strategic choices and find ways to optimise security testing spend.

Ultimately, automating testing orchestration enables CISOs to oversee a programme that finds vulnerabilities faster, without the manual overhead. Saving valuable time and resources.

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Complete security programme oversight

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Faster MTTD

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Reduced manual overhead

Cytix enables Security Engineers to manage tests, supervise remediation and collate reports, all in one centralised place.

Automating manual testing workflows makes it simple to manage multiple tests simultaneously. And centralising testing orchestration improves programme visibility across key stakeholders.

Cytix means Security Engineers spend less time juggling manual reports, tests and systems, and more time actioning valuable tactics.

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Automated test orchestration

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Easy management of simultaneous testing

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A centralised security testing process

Cytix dramatically improves the communication for developers when vulnerabilities are found, meaning they’re quicker and easier to fix.

As Cytix orchestrates tests on live changes made to the code, there are no big delays in-between. Cytix pin-points the change that introduced the vulnerability, so developers know exactly where to fix. And the speed at which the vulnerability is found means the code is still at the forefront of the developers mind.

As well as this, Cytix integrates into all existing ticketing systems. So there’s no interruption to current processes and fixes become a seamless part to the development process.

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More time spent on writing code, less time decripting comprehensive yearly reports

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Clear communication between test results and vulnerability exposure

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Direct integrations with all the major ticketing and testing systems

Truly continuous security testing. It's really that simple.

Get in touch to see how Cytix integrates into your security testing programme.
Book A Demo
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