Test your own development tickets

Copy your development ticket into the prompt window and watch our AI Intelligence Engine create a list of potential vulnerabilities introduced by the change.

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Analysing your ticket - this may take a few seconds...

Potential Vulnerabilities


Testing Sequence

See the full power of the Intelligence Engine...

Click to get started

Automated Session.

Perform automated testing to identify potential session

Manual Assessment for Advanced.

A manual assessment will be performed of the.

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Your interactive tool for analysing development tickets

What if every development ticket was automatically analysed for vulnerabilities with AI? No more guesswork, just instant insights into risks before release. This is just a glimpse of what’s possible. Imagine a scenario  where you don’t just see vulnerabilities—you also see exactly what to test and how to test it. Threat modelling live development tickets means you can:

clock time vector

Test on the risk of a change, not the size

Automate security checks – AI instantly analyses every ticket, flagging risks before they become issues.

Eliminate human error – Every change is reviewed automatically, so nothing slips through.

Catch vulnerabilities early – Identify risks as they happen, avoiding last-minute security delays.

Your security testing superpower.
See the force of the full platform...

Continuous security testing for the demands of AppSec

Integrate Cytix into your development lifecycle for complete security testing that can keep up.

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Including the latest conversations from the ‘Let’s Talk Security Testing’ podcast.

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