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Eliminate Delays & Blindspots in Your Security Testing Programme

Achieve truly continuous security testing by turning live development changes into dynamic testing actions. So you can intelligently determine when, where and how to test.

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There’s a missing piece to security testing

Traditional penetration tests can’t keep up with a continuous rate of development. And existing continuous testing is formed around increasing the volume of traditional tests.  

Neither address live development changes at the time of change.
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Vulnerabilities go undiscovered

Information leading to the discovery of vulnerabilities often lies in the development changes. Blanket testing entire systems is looking in the wrong place.
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Labour intensive

In agile businesses, determining the security risk of changes is often a manual time-consuming task.
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Limited tool space

Tools often miss common vulnerabilities such as business logic flaws and permission weaknesses, despite being introduced as a result of change.
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Unreliable results

Obtaining key metrics such as coverage, efficiency and time to detection is inconsistent and fragmented.
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Prioritise security testing around live development changes

Automatically turn development changes into testing actions & orchestrate a full end-to-end response, all in one platform.

So you can determine what changes to test at scale and find vulnerabilities faster without the manual overhead.

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Eliminate testing blindspots

See and assess every development change, automatically. Pair this with full vulnerability reporting and you always know the status of your security, 365 days a year.

 Mean Time to Detection
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Improve mean time to detection (MTTD)

Remove the manual processes around security testing and reduce the gap between changes and tests. So you can increase fixing efficiency and strengthen your vulnerability programme.

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One Platform, Complete Control

The core features that ensure truly continuous security testing orchestration.

Assess Live Development

Automatically assess live development changes

Import live development event data into Cytix via  native connections to all major platforms like Jira, Github, AWS and Azure.

Once imported, the Intelligence Engine automatically analyses this event data and converts them into a list of prioritised testing actions.

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Connect to tests

Whether you need an automated or manual test, access or order the test you need from within the Cytix platform.

Connect to tools such as Zap, Appcheck or Burpsuite directly, or connect with a manual pentester through the in-app Cytix Marketplace.

Whatever the testing action, manage it completely within Cytix.

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Full vulnerability visibility

Instantly gain full vulnerability visibility for any time period.

And the closed loop system means completed tests are entered back into the Intelligence Engine.

So no vulnerability goes unfixed.

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Connect your existing technology stack

Every team across every business works in different ways. Which is why Cytix has over 35 native integrations with existing testing and development systems. So friction is reduced across your programme.

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35 native integrations
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A solution for every stage

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SMB & Mid-Market

A cost-effective alternative to annual penetration tests. Cytix hands you back control over your testing programme without the yearly disruption.
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High-performing security testing teams know where to look before they start testing. Intelligently determine which changes to test at scale all year long.
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Truly continuous security testing. It's really that simple.

Find vulnerabilities faster without the manual overhead.
Book A Demo
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"Managing an ongoing assessment is a smooth operation."

“Cytix is solving the problem of knowing what your infrastructure and application vulnerabilities *really* are (as opposed to what the tools are reporting).”


"Managing an ongoing assessment is a smooth operation."

“Cytix is solving the problem of knowing what your infrastructure and application vulnerabilities *really* are (as opposed to what the tools are reporting).”


"Managing an ongoing assessment is a smooth operation."

“Cytix is solving the problem of knowing what your infrastructure and application vulnerabilities *really* are (as opposed to what the tools are reporting).”

resource hub
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